The hidden key command that everybody is looking for is "Control + Command + F". Everything else is called "show" and "hide" under the menus - this one is called "Enter Full Screen" at the bottom of the "Views" menu - by default it is set to be in full screen and not show the menus unlike any other of the programs. I finally found the simplest solution to this. The simplest most important things are getting hidden away non-intuitively - the whole reason if your company had windows computers you also needed an "IT" department to show everybody how to do everything - may be that way soon also now if you have MACS at your company - sad. They have to keep changing things even if there aren't enough changes to keep you upgrading and buying - kind of the whole reason we used to avoid Windows and support MAC back in the beige days - but those days are gone - get used to it - the interfaces are becoming and acting more "Windows" like all the time.

This should keep the menu bars visible based on the applications preferences. The fullscreen button will turn into a maximize button instead, allowing to maximize the window without going fullscreen. Apple has been changing simple little procedures without telling us. When clicking the button to go fullscreen in an application, hold the option key.